Monday, June 28, 2010
My Country Haiti
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
My Vacation
I asked my neighborhood about a new way of vacationing. They suggested some advice to me. First, if you want to vacation, you must go with other people because a vacation is very dangerous to travel alone. Second, you ought to decide on the type of transportation. For example, will you take a bicycle, car, train or walk. Last of all, if you don’t want to forget it for your life, it must be very difficult, and it needs some risks.
So I accepted their advice and began to plan trips. First, I decided to ride by Bicycle because I wanted to go to any place where I could have some risks. Second, I decided to go with my friend. Last, I decided to travel on a coast road because my country is surrounded by three oceans, so has a many coast road.
-By Dalki Kim
Writing Level 2
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Running to Catch the Bus
Monday, June 21, 2010
Commentary on "You know what is happening with our children?"
To change the future of our children, we must understand the following. First, we live in a cruel society that promotes bad habits, and this is fed by the media. The media bombards us with consumer advertising, and they say it is right or wrong. Second, we don’t seize opportunities to be with our children and teach them correct principles.Third, some parents do not spend time talking with our children about our experiences and those of their ancestors. Finally, we often are too tired to put into practice our desires so we will not continue what we started. To change this I suggest the following. First, we must decide how we want to live, and how we will raise our children, but we must understand that these decisions directly affect them. For example, we decide if they spend time playing video games, which can lead to inactivity and obesity. We need to remember that obesity not only causes health problems, it also brings problems of low self-esteem, teasing and abuse by other children. Second, we need to find opportunities to play, do activities together outside or inside with them, and we must seize opportunities to teach correct principles. The teaching shouldn’t be mandatory only for the children, but parents should teach by example. The home is not a military barracks. Third, we must tell our children our good and bad experiences that contain principles that could serve as a guide. From my experience, you never forget a well told story. This allows children to understand that their parents are also like them. Finally, we must have courage and persistence to practice our desires and later continue with them. For me, this is the most difficult part; we can have this discipline gradually if we really strive.
In conclusion, we can change the future of our children with love and persistence. It is not easy, but it is good for us and our children. The change is in our hands, and we decide what we do. It is very difficult, but it is worth the price.
-By Alvaro Hidalgo
Writing Level 2
My Birthday
First, my mother came in America we saw the sights of in America. We saw the West side of America like Disney Land, the Grand Canyon, Sea World, Las Vegas, etc. My mother and I had never gone to the west side of America except UT, so we were excited. Disney Land is very huge amusement park, so I didn’t look all around. This way and that and there and there are a lot of families because, it has many rides for children. Next we saw the Grand Canyon, which is one of the natural wonders of the world and the rocky gorge is very huge, then I took a small plane over the canyon, and I was charmed by the beautiful scene. Next, I went to Sea World which is famous for Shamu. There are also many marine animals there. When I watched the Shamu show, I was surprised because Shamu is pretty big. After that, we went to Las Vegas. We played at the casino. There were a lot of drunken people and many curious people. I thought, UT is safet than Las Vegas. Finally, we went to Bryce Canyon. I think, the best national park is Bryce Canyon. It has ve a more harmonious atmosphere than the Grand Canyon. After that, we saw the sights of America west, then I came back to my home on my birthday. Many Korean people visited to celebrate birthday and friends made cheese cake for me. I had the happiest time. I received pretty big present from my friends and mother.
Therefore, I can’t forget this event in my life and I want to thank for my parents and my friends.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Student life without a job
-By Arielle Nguwa
Writing Level 2
Monday, June 14, 2010
My Best Friend
Ceceg is an engineer now. She has married, but her husband died last year from a car accident. She has three girls and one boy. Her kids grew up in Mongolia, so they helped her. She has been living in Mongolia with parents and her kids. I talk to her once or twice a month. Also, she likes to cook. She has been playing tennis since in 1980. Now she is working in the office.Finally, I am proud of my friend, and I miss her. I hope we'll meet soon then have a fun and happy time.
El Museo de Oro- The Gold Museum of Colombia
-By Isabel Castro
Writing level 2
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Write something that remains
The Secret
Friday, May 28, 2010
JeJu Island

-By Do Young Ro (Daniel)
Kelly Zirker's level 2 writing class
Barranquila Carnival
Baranquilla's inhabitants, irrespective of race or creed, join together to make the carnival. For them, the most important thing is to dance and enjoy themselves for four days, and then prepare for the following years of celebrations.
The history has been passed from fathers to sons to keep their roots from being lost i nthe mists of time. It is said that the Spaniards brought with them the tradition of celebrating the European Carnival. The slaves in Barranquilla combined with their own traditions, taking to the streets, dressed in typical costumes, singing, dancing, and playing their instruments.
- By Liliana Auza
Kelly Zirker's level 2 writing class
Thursday, May 27, 2010
You know what is happening with our children?
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
The Most Embarassing Moment in my Life
That day my husband and I wore our best clothes. When we were entering, we saw that the guests were already enjoying their drinks and snacks. Then we started looking for a table where our friends were sitting; when at last we found the table, we greeted all our friends, and when I was about to sit, I did not look carefully. I slipped to the floor and I fell down. Then I tried to grab the table cloth, but everything in the table fall down, getting everybody who sat at the table wet and dirty.
My husband was so ashamed that he did not ask me how I was; he only covered his face. My husband’s best friend helped me get up and sort the mess than I made it.
When this incident happened, first I felt ashamed and I wanted the earth to swallow me, but later I thought "that can happen to anyone." After wards, I continued at the party as if nothing had happened.
Today when I remember the time I laugh a lot, but my husband is still ashamed of it and does not want to remember it any more.
-Cecilia Monterrosa
Kelly Zirker's Level 2 Writing Class
Monday, May 17, 2010
Galapagos Islands
-Oscar X. Quevedo
Kelly Zirker's Writing Level 2 class
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Drivers of Happiness
Thinking positive is a good way to encourage us to be cheerful. If we think positively, we have the attitude to do and face things in the best way that we can. We are more optimistic about our problems and we eagerly persevere to get our goals in the present and future. We have confidence, commitment and motivation to overcome our daily challenges. We believe more in our capabilities. Therefore, there is higher self- esteem.
Friendship and communication are considerable factors of contentment. By nature, we are usually sociable, so we need other people to talk about our joys, sorrows and afflictions. It does not matter if we have a large numbers of friends; the most important issue is the quality inside any relationship. Good communication with our close friends and relatives brings us the opportunity to express our humanity. We can feel we are humans with troubles and virtues. Deep down, we realize that to be happy, we need other people to be close to us.
All people who aim to develop good virtues have found the correct way to be joyful. If we do that, our life will find its purpose, and we will know our feelings are real. Virtuous people develop amazing characteristics of goodwill, help and love for their fellow men. We feel great gladness because our virtues and strengths have a purpose greater than our own goals. From a religious perspective, we live according to the commandments of God, which were given us by Him to reach a happy life.
Through working out our body, we feel good and healthy. Our mood and mental well-being change, and all our life seems happier. We laugh and exude an exuberant energy. At the same time, this motivator supports and brings a physical characteristic (identifiable in the first time you see someone), which does not exist in the motivators mentioned above.
To conclude, we can say that there are different factors that propel happiness. In this sense, positive thinking, friendship and communication, development of virtues and exercise, are important drivers when people want to be happier. We cannot forget that all challenges begin inside us. Consequently, if we aim to reach our challenges and retain happiness, we must apply these motivators in our life. Through this way, our life will be wonderful every year, month and day of our existence.
By Rodolfo Mercado, ESL Writing 3
Language Development
In the first stage, from birth to age one, the infant shows signs of the beginning of communication occurring during the first days of life when the infant learns that crying will bring food, comfort and companionship. The baby begins to recognize important sound in his environment. The voice of the father may be an important sound. As they grow, babies begin to classify the speech sound (phonemes) or other key elements that make up words of their language. At 6 months, the baby babbles generally "ba, ba, ba" or "ta, ta, ta." This babbling soon becomes a kind of nonsense talks that might sound like human speech but has no real word. Most children recognize the basic sound of their native language, and they are able to make the sounds.
In the second’s stage, from the end of the first year to age 2, most children have the ability to say a few simple words. Children do not know the meaning of these first words but they learn the power of those words in so far as the people around them respond to them. Within two years, most babies can form two words phrases such as "more milk." During this period, children rapidly learn that words symbolize or represent objects, actions and emotions. At this time the infant will be open to light songs, sounds and everything to help him communicate, but people cannot understand what he wants.
In the last stage when the child is between 3 and 4 years of age, through increased vocabulary, the child quickly begins to dominate the rules of languages. During this time, the child acquires more language skills that allow him to communicate with more complex structures, and he is more understandable. Language usage is more developed and the child uses it to converse with others or just to talk to himself. At this age the child virtually dominates the grammar, his vocabulary continues to develop, and he uses pronouns, verbs, and articles. This age is characterized by questions such as "what is it", and "why."
In conclusion, this is the normal process of languages development in children, but depending on the linguistic environment in which the child finds himself, there may be some differences. It is important to encourage children to communicate to give them the possibility to enrich their vocabulary and help them realize that talking is needed to communicate their needs and desires.
By Romina Owens, ESL Writing 3
Monday, April 12, 2010
An Embarrassing Moment
After we got our dishes, we found a place to sit. We found a seemingly good place. She sat down I went to get drinks. When I returned, she had already started eating. I left the drink on the table and when I sat in my chair it could not stand my weight and broke. I fell in front of Michele and everybody. I got up fast, the misguided attempt to try to disguise my fall, but it was too late. Everyone had seen it, and when they realized that I was fine, some began to laugh. I was so embarrassed, my face turned red, but I started laughing too, to show that everything was fine and in some ways because it was funny to me too. I tried another chair and continued to have lunch together and although I had this incident, I had lunch at that restaurant for many years to come. And of course I have tested every chair before sit in it.
A Journal Assignment by Fabio Dias, Writing Level 2
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Amenian Water Festival (Vardevar)

Vardevar, also called Water Day, is an ancient traditional holiday that is very important to the Armenian people. Vardevar was originally a pagan celebration to worship Astgihk, the goddess of love and beauty, in which they offered her roses (vard means “rose” in Armenian) and doves. Also, they sprinkled water on one another.Now it is a Christian holiday, but we keep those same ancient traditions. This holiday is celebrated in the Armenian Apostolic Church on the third Sunday of July. On this day, people gather together in the church and learn about this holiday. We Armenians celebrate it today by splashing water on each other, partying and feasting with family and friends, and performing traditional dances.
Because water is a symbol of cleanliness, beauty, and fertility, everyone is excited to splash water on others and to be splashed until we are all wet, clean, and happy. Thus, in the morning when we wake up, we hurry outside to splash water on someone. We use buckets, bottles, and cups to gather water and toss on neighbors, friends, and even strangers. Some people even dump buckets of water from their balconies on everyone. Getting completely soaked is considered a sign of good luck and prosperity. Therefore, everyone is happy to be wet. Only the tourists or strangers who do not understand sometimes get offended.
After the Vardevar water celebration, people go home to spend time with family and friends and eat good food. Talking and telling stories, especially funny ones, bring Armenian families together. We also brag about how many people we got wet during the day. In addition, neighbors and relatives visit everyone they know from morning until late at night to celebrate together by playing games, eating, and relaxing. They prepare many tasty traditional Armenian foods. For example, we prepare a variety of fish and a delicious dish called Tolma, which is meat, rice, onions, and spices all wrapped up in grape leaves. After the food is ready, we start eating at lunch time, but many keep eating all day and late into the night.
Another very important part of celebrating Vardevar is participating in traditional Armenian dances. Most families gather to dance the kochary. Usually, some family members play instruments while others perform this circle dance, holding hands and singing. If there are no instruments, people use a CD player to play the music. Single people often go to restaurants to dance and sing the kochary. This dance is important as a symbol of joining together in love and goodness.Holding each other’s hands and dancing to a fast tempo brings joy and a bonding feeling to each family member.
I love to wake up on Vardevar and to go outside to splash water on my friends and family in the hot summer. I love to see them laugh and smile, knowing that we are really splashing each other with more than just water. The water really means love and good will. The delicious food and lively dancing brings Armenian families together to share this tradition and create memories and feelings of beautiful love.
By Tamara Harutyunova, Level 3 Writing