These are the most famous islands in the word. They are located in South America in front of the cost of Ecuador; their official name is Colon’s archipelago. They are conformed by 19 islands and 107 very small islands. They are famous because when Charles Darwin traveled around the world, and visited them in 1835, he saw some animals like: birds, mammals, and turtles, that they were very similar to another of their species, but they had changed, he studied and wrote the book “On the origin of species”, and proposed the Darwin’s theory about the evolution of the species.
They are known by several names: Enchanted Islands because we found an amazing wildlife with flora and fauna unique in the world. They are also called Galapagos Island, its name is due to its famous giant turtles; and Colon’s Archipelago as recognized to Cristobal Colon, discover of America. They are located to 972 kilometers from the coast line of Ecuador. They are discovered by Tomas de Berlanga in 1535. In 1979, UNESCO declared Humanity's Natural Patrimony; in 1985 was declared Biosphere’ Reserve. In 2007 was declared Humanity’s Patrimony with environment risk and they are included in the list Humanity’s Patrimony in danger.
They are visited by thousands of tourists each year. The most visited islands by tourists are: Baltra, where is located the airport; it was built by American Navy in the II World War. San Cristobal, where is located the main city called Puerto Baquerizo Moreno. Santa Cruz with its city Puerto Ayora, and the Galapagos National Park, and Isabela the greatest island of the archipelago. In these four islands can find hotels, restaurants, cruisers, ships, and some amazing touristic attractions.
Tourists can’t visit the entire island; just some of them like the named before can be visited; it is due to recommendations to preserve the species. Almost all of animals like: sea lions, iguanas, seals, penguins, and others animals can be touched by the persons, due they don’t have fear of the humans. I don’t need promote them; I just recommend you visit them if you want an amazing adventure.
-Oscar X. Quevedo
Kelly Zirker's Writing Level 2 class